Rasulullah SAW adalah contoh terbaik dalam mendidik anak-anak. Sesunggahnya Ya Rasulullah, hambamu ini sangat2 merinduimu... Mampukah kita bertemu di Taman Firdausi kelak?
Kita ni bila sakit digalakkan untuk berdoa pohon dgn Allah.tetapi Allah juga ciptakan tumbuh-tumbuhan,dan dari situ Allah sediakan penawar.😊 📄Kandungan & Khasiat🔎 #IVMistOil Rumusan Terhebat Nano Bio Teknologi menghasilkan zarah minyak yang lebih HALUS!!!Sehingga boleh disembur seperti air,dan kadar serapan kedalam kulit begitu pantas boleh dirasai!!!👍👍 Antaranya Bahan Dan Khasiat : 🔹Habbatus Sauda antibakteri,melancarkan buang angin,sakit perut,batuk,asma DLL 🔹Esktrak Argan Pelembab Kulit,Jerawat dan Bekas Jerawat,Anti Penuaan,serta pelbagai khasiat lain untuk kulit 🔹Serai melegakan sendi dan saraf,merawat bengkak-bengkak,Melegakan senggugut,Mencantikkan kulit 🔹Eucalytus/Kayu Putih melegakan sakit kepala,sakit gigi,meringankan penafasan,mengatasi kulit berminyak 🔹Halia Ianya bagus untuk mengeluarkan angin dalam badan, muntah-muntah, cirit-birit,sakit perut, menghangatkan badan dan membantu penghadaman makanan. 🔹Halia Bara Mencegah mabuk perjalanan...
A DIFFERENT TEACHER TRUE STORY...PLEASE DO NOT DELETE, RETURN IF YOU CAN'T FORWARD TO AT LEAST ONE PERSON!!! At the prodding of my friends I am writing this story. My name is Mildred Honor. I am a former elementary school Music Teacher from Des Moines, Iowa. I have always supplemented my income by Teaching Piano Lessons...Something I have done for over 30 years. During those years, I found that Children have many levels of musical ability, and even though I have never had the prodigy, I have taught some very talented students. However, I have also had my share of what I call 'Musically Challenged Pupils. One such Pupil being Robby. Robby was 11 years old when his Mother (a Single Mom) dropped him off for his first Piano Lesson. I prefer that Students (especially Boys) begin at an earlier age, which I explained to Robby. But Robby said that it had always been his Mother's Dream to hear him play the Piano, so I took him as a Student. At the end of each weekly Lesso...
Time will definitely fly when you are having such a great time..... well my prince is now 3 months old. He is the apple of his grandparents eyes.. Last weekend, we went back home to KL as there was a weeding in Shah Alam. Everyone in the family was excited to see Adib again, as it has been a month since the last they saw him. As expected, the first person who greeted Adib was my mother...... then it was my father. The first time my father greeted Adib, Adib smile and laugh at his grandfather.. How happy was my father to see such a smile on his grandson face... And it was a sad goodbye when we said goodbye yesterday. My father seems very sad to say goodbye especially to his grandson... never mind, insyaAllah when there is time we will take Adib to see his Grand parents again....
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