39 minggu & 1 hari

assalamualaikum wb....

Hmm, genaplah sudah kandunganku 39 minggu dan 1 hari. Pagi tadi ke klinik untuk rawatan mingguan, and well the doctor says that my baby is BIG!! still baby sihat, degupan jantung dia 150 per minit, and he has been kicking and karate"ing" his mother's tummy.

Kalau ikut doctor, besok dah kene ke Hospital Ampang untuk futher examination... still just received word from my sister yang esok Klinik Pakar takde, ada hanya alternate days Monday, Wednesday and Friday, oh well we will just need to wait and see then.

I am quite afraid actually, takut jugak kot2 pakar di hospital kata takda cara lain, kene 'potong' jugak.... still i have to be strong....and keep praying to Allah that everything will be fine. Please pray for me as well ya... thak you


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