Assalamualalaikum dan selamat pagi semua sahabat, Hari ini kita nak bercakap lagi tentang Meal Shake (R) Shaklee. Kenapa? well hari ini saya nak cerita pengalaman saya sendiri memberikan anak sulung saya Meal Shake. Adib, my eldest son is a very picky eater. he will not eat if it is not sweet, cold, creamy etc etc etc. his favorite food is ICE-CREAM and CHOCOLATE. as a mother, i am very worried to see that my son doesn't want to eat any healthy food. One day my husband decided to give him fish oil, at first he likes eating it, but as days turns to weeks he started to hate eating fish oil. every time we gave him some fish oil, he will vomit. hmm.. anak kan kita nak bantu dia tak faham, yang dia faham yang dia tahu minyak ikan TAK SEDAP!!! Jadi saya terus mencari maklumat cari jalan macam mana nak tingkatkan selera makan dia. Alhamdulillah, i stumble around my collage mate fb page. She is a Shaklee Independent Distributor. With her helped, i manage to get a hand with MEal Shake....